Sunday, October 21, 2007

What's Buggin Me

OK... I think I am doing good and then IT happens... I knew it would, but I was hoping it would not. A HUGE roach comes flying at me while I am finishing my shower! I start screaming, Craig starts spraying bug killer and the kids come running. Talk about a scene (remember I am finishing my shower!) OK said roach is dead, heart beat begins to return to normal. Not a happy beginning to my Sunday morning. I talked to some folks who have lived here much longer than we have to get some advice and guess what.. there is no good advice. It is a fact of life here. They come in through the drains. We went to a store to find draincovers, but no luck today, maybe tomorrow. Other than that and keeping food off the floor there just isn't much we can do. Those of you that know me understand how much I HATE bugs, and so does the enemy. Please keep remembering us as you talk to your Father. I CANNOT STAND ROACHES
Love ya


Aunt Re said... Florida, Suzie put huge
peelings from cucumbers out to keep the palmetto roaches away...I don't know if that will work there...especially in the shower.
I hope you find drain covers...that's worse than Psycho a roach flying at you. Take care.
Maybe we can talk tonight after meetings. LLL Re

piano lady said...

Our perception of bugs is largely a social/cultural one. I will remember you, though. They're just so GROSS! Hang tough, girl.

Abby said...

Oh my gosh!! Roaches and lizards!! Yuck! Just think how much more "world traveled" and wise you'll be than the rest of us. Remember, He marched them on the ark for a reason. . . . we may never know it or understand it, but there was a reason!

Love ya,

Mom said...

Angie, I have seen you when you just see ants. I can imagine that someone may have thought Craig was killing you. Or maybe they would have thought "Her first roach just showed up" I will pray that was your first and last.

David B. said...

Hrm, not sure if this'll be true where you live, but at our old home in California, ants tend to come out like an hour before anyone wakes up. On the rare days that i wake up between 5~6 in the morning, our kitchen would be covered in them. But if you just wait like to 6:15, they'll be all gone; as if they knew we were coming out D:

Don't wake up too early =P.

Todd Belcher said...

Roaches have been on earth for billions of years before humans...therefore, they are to be greatly honoured for their age and wisdom....therefore, please respectfully apologize to the roach and ask if HE is okay after the ordeal. If not, pay him 50,000 in local currency like the scooter driver from Nashville who Craig encountered last week.