Wednesday, October 10, 2007

A hut?

The ultimate answer to the "Will you be living in a hut?' question. McDonald's DELIVERS!! Now THAT is cool.


Anthony and Sharon said...

The number here for "McDelivery" is 1300-13-1300... it has a catchy jingle with it and everything...

Oh, and fyi here we spell it "Telefon" so ignore it when they tell you it should be telepon! :)

Kimberly said...

We're so glad you're there and getting settled. I'm still not sure if I'm doing this correctly, but I'll know soon.

Love you guys!

radio girl said...

There is your coffee stop!!!! Sending out updates everyday is O.K. We love hearing from you and knowing what's going on. Hope you all get rested real soon. Keep the coffee pouring and you'll wake up.

The Garmon's said...

This "fishing" trip may not be so bad after all. Hey, if the McDonalds delivers, who needs all the luxuries of the States?

It is a little warm though! When is the cooler part of the year? We all know I don't like to be hot! Angie, do you have the termals out?

;) R

Aunt Re said...

I'll take a fruit parfait, salad,
and a Diet Coke...RE

David B. said...

D: how come our McDonald don't do McDelivery? =/