Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Kecelakaan = Accident!

Well today it happened. I hit a motor scooter. First a mental picture for you--if you've ever gotten up in the morning and in a half-stupor went to the coffee pot and poured that first fantastic cup only to realize you cup was UPSIDE down and coffee was going everywhere--you can imagine the traffic here.

We had stopped behind a little van (which is a local bus). Now you can be almost alone on the road until you stop then you are overrun with motorcyles on both sides. Like the coffee flowing over the bottom of the cup, down the sides and all over the counter. Alone. Stop. Covered with motorcycles like ants on a cupcake at a picnic.

Well, we were stopped and so I was edging around the right side of the van and looked dutifully down the hill to make sure no traffic was coming up in the right lane. Only I just never looked over my right shoulder. Then BAM! I hit the scooter. At first I thought the guy was just going to keep on going....but reason came to him and he stopped.

We got out and my hubcap had hit his footpeg and bent it back. He couldn't shift right and he was unable to move it back into place. So I grabbed hold and got it almost back with my foot (outweighing the guy by at least 100 pounds, I think). But it wasn't perfect. More people came to the scene and conversation started. Then the thing I expected since I hit him happened. The lady with us said, "He is asking for money."

You see accidents here are settled on the spot. In cash. No lawyers. No insurance. Just show me the money. So I (while praying) said, "How much does he want?" To my surprise the response came, "Twenty thousand should be enough."

TWENTY THOUSAND?!? Are you SERIOUS? TWENTY THOUSAND!!! But I had no choice. I paid it. And I left the scene $2.21 poorer but much wiser.


piano lady said...

Now, that's what I call a reasonable settlement! I now understand the reason for our deteriorating economic situation.

Craig and Becky said...

That's what we need here in Seattle. I'm glad everyone is ok. Your haircut is great, Angie did a wonderful job.Now Craig, do you get to cut Angie's hair?

Mom said...

You sure know how to tell a story boy!!! You scared me to death. Next time I may read the end first.

Aunt Re said...

I have laughed all you've got that out of the way don't have anymore....LLL Re

radio girl said...

O.K. now you have your first out of the way...and you even came out owing more or less depending on which side of the world you are on. I can see right now this adventure is going to keep us all in stitches!

TnT said...

Our fearless leader tonight stated that the only person who drives worse than Craig is Dave. I had to shout AMEN. Though that's not fair as I have never ridden anywhere with Craig. God knows if he drives worse than Dave I was blessed not to. Glad it all worked out so well. Great job, guys, keeping the BLOG updated. Thanks!

piano lady said...

Randy shared your story at the meeting tonight - so now everyone knows! Oh, well, you always were forthcoming and transparent. Hope school is going well for kiddos. Thinking of you this next week.

Aunt Re said...

Carolyn at the Bell asked about you today...Uncle Todd & I were there. She said to tell you all
HI!!! I will take her a picture soon. Mattie Kate Price was born Thursday...6.11 3/4 lbs 20 " long
Eric just cried...that's awesome.

Anthony and Sharon said...

Haha! You guys will be such pros at driving...and then get here and feel like you're in America! We haven't had an accident yet (knock on wood)...

Oh and we say "Kemalangan" for an accident like that...that other one can mean 'fatal'...