Friday, October 19, 2007

Did you know we like to eat out?

We had been looking forward to this restaurant since before coming. They had nice little bungalows out back where you sit on the floor around a small table, great fruit juice, and even a play place for Hudson.

The lady is Hudson's teacher. They started school today since we had our first day of language. We sang some songs "learned" the alphabet from Ah to Zet and got our books. Angie is going to do great.


Anthony and Sharon said...

yay for fun bungalow restaurants! You'd have to pay an arm and leg for ambiance like that in the states:) woohoo!

Aunt Re said...

Go Hudson Go! Your teacher looks very nice and sweet...Learn all you can. LLL Aunt RE

Anonymous said...

I'm very happy, everything sounds like it's going great!

And I fixed my name, thanks!

piano lady said...

Beautiful! The teacher, the young lad, and the bungalow! Do well at school, all of you.

Andi said...

I LOVE Sari Sunda! Did you get the tilapia that stands up on the plate? It's a little disturbing but tastes good. We leave Wednesday... can't wait!