Friday, September 24, 2010

Happy Anniversary

16 years ago I was blessed to marry the best wife in the whole world! This year she said she would accept as an anniversary gift ... a grill and so I was able to make it happen. (I know it does sound a bit like a Father's Day gift, right?)
It does look like the grill I was coveting a few posts back but in reality it is different. We found one much like the grill in the previous post but it was twice the cost of this one. We also found another, a cheaper one, but when you picked up the lid you felt like you could fold it in half.
So we ended up with the middle one. Now sometime when it drops below 90 outside, we'll get out there and try 'er out!

Happy Anniversary to the best wife ever and the nicest person I know!!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Caleb Witch Project

I thought this was really funny when I found it on the camera. Reminds me of the Blair Witch Project but maybe even better. The end is a real cliffhanger.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Recently I was buying some eggs from our egg guy (yeah, we have an egg guy at the market where we buy them buy the 30-pack). And the egg guy recommends the Triple-A eggs. "Two yellows," he says with a smile.
And they did, all 30 of them had two yellows! A month of twins with which to celebrate the opening of every day. At some point it reminded me of the fish on The Simpson's and I wondered if these mutant eggs came from some kind of nuclear power plant area. People worry about genetically-modified food but I think if we can start getting double-yolk eggs, what is all the fuss about?!?

The only dilemma I have now is the internal debate between my doctor's voice saying to watch my cholesterol and to avoid eggs and Tom Tank eating six eggs every morning while poo-pooing the idea that eggs are bad for you. Right now Tom is winning since the doctor is standing between me and french toast.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Quality Control

I have always loved this sign. Its like no one is able to look at a delivery guy and say, "That ain't right and I ain't paying for it. Don't hang it up, it makes me look stupid. Just take it back and forget the whole thing."

Portraying the correct emotion (in the correct amount) is important. If locals here say, "Nevermind." It just means 'Don't worry about it.' Like if you're about to hand someone something with your left hand and you try to shift it and they say, "Nevermind." It means its OK, you can hand it over with your left hand.

Think about it, though, if you were fumbling with some one dollar bills and the pizza guy said, "Nevermind." what would you do? Well, you'd just turn around and shut the door, right?

So what do you say when the guy shows up with a sign like this? You can't just say, "Nevermind" and turn around and walk away cause if you do he'll hang it up! And what about blowing out a big breath and rolling your eyes. What do those mean?

I assume that kind of miscommunication is how signs like this one get hung up. That and the fact that you can't return anything around here. Probably just easier to change your business name.

Monday, September 20, 2010

We're that family

I remember how I used to wag my head at families I would see at Cracker Barrel where each family member eats and reads, never speaking to one another. "Never, will I be like that," I thought haughtily.

Now that is exactly what we do. And now I think back on those Cracker Barrel families and realize that could be the only way they had to make it through those road trips--ignoring each other. The older I get the more I see the wisdom in the slogan "Whatever it takes."

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

First I Was Like, "WUH?"

Then I was like, "Ummm..."
Then I knew I had no choice but to go. How can I resist this advertising? Sorry its tiny and you had to click it.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Big Holiday

The big holiday that comes with finishing Ramadan has big traditions around here. Most having to do with going and eating. So on Friday that is just what we did. We went to a friend's house and ate.
The we took some pictures.
Then we rushed off to another house and ate again. Of course while you do all that eating you talk and talk ... mostly about how good the food is.
Then you take some more photos.
Camera swap, more pix.
Back in the car and rushing to the next house for some more eating.
And some more pictures.
And some more pictures, and some more. I think before we got home most of the pictures were already on Facebook*.
There is some other stuff thrown in there, too. Like this year torrential rain that threatened to trap us in one village. And after all that traveling and eating and photo snapping, what do the kids ask on the way home?

Right! "What's for lunch?" Same all over the world.

*Different story, recently we were at the movies and I took Hudson to the restroom at the most interesting part of the film. In the restroom (at the sink) a guy asked me where I was from, to which I answered the USA. So he asks the obvious question, "Are you on Facebook?" And he gets the unexpected answer, "Nope. I use Twitter, I'm not on Facebook." Crushing! A chance for another white friend on FB slips away as we head back in time for the movie credits.

Friday, September 10, 2010


This week, we celebrated the fact that we were not fasting with some pretty passable cheesecake at a place in our town. While Dad was trying to find batteries for a camera, Mom just took phone snaps since it seems at least one person was NOT into waiting...
A couple of us went in for dark/white chocolate version.
The Snicker kind, which to Angie's chagrin had too much peanut butter (for Angie too much = basically any at all).
And finally the caramel kind which Angie had before and wished she had ordered again.
Not a bad way to spend the dreadful time between the end of school and start of supper. Even if you can't tell that by Hudson's face here.
It was no Cheesecake Warehouse but at least everyone kept their shirt on.

**Yeah, that is an awesome nod to you iCarly fans. Did you know iCarly has its own wiki and you can learn things like the Cheesecake Warehouse "is possibly a parody of the restaurant franchise Cheesecake Factory." Way to go internet for having to hit us over the head. Can't you just assume we get the joke??**

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Little Chef

Here is Hudson learning the fine art of making chicken and dumplings. A KY favorite! If you come see us sometime, maybe you can get him to make you some.