Wednesday, September 22, 2010


Recently I was buying some eggs from our egg guy (yeah, we have an egg guy at the market where we buy them buy the 30-pack). And the egg guy recommends the Triple-A eggs. "Two yellows," he says with a smile.
And they did, all 30 of them had two yellows! A month of twins with which to celebrate the opening of every day. At some point it reminded me of the fish on The Simpson's and I wondered if these mutant eggs came from some kind of nuclear power plant area. People worry about genetically-modified food but I think if we can start getting double-yolk eggs, what is all the fuss about?!?

The only dilemma I have now is the internal debate between my doctor's voice saying to watch my cholesterol and to avoid eggs and Tom Tank eating six eggs every morning while poo-pooing the idea that eggs are bad for you. Right now Tom is winning since the doctor is standing between me and french toast.

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