Friday, September 10, 2010


This week, we celebrated the fact that we were not fasting with some pretty passable cheesecake at a place in our town. While Dad was trying to find batteries for a camera, Mom just took phone snaps since it seems at least one person was NOT into waiting...
A couple of us went in for dark/white chocolate version.
The Snicker kind, which to Angie's chagrin had too much peanut butter (for Angie too much = basically any at all).
And finally the caramel kind which Angie had before and wished she had ordered again.
Not a bad way to spend the dreadful time between the end of school and start of supper. Even if you can't tell that by Hudson's face here.
It was no Cheesecake Warehouse but at least everyone kept their shirt on.

**Yeah, that is an awesome nod to you iCarly fans. Did you know iCarly has its own wiki and you can learn things like the Cheesecake Warehouse "is possibly a parody of the restaurant franchise Cheesecake Factory." Way to go internet for having to hit us over the head. Can't you just assume we get the joke??**

1 comment:

Anthony and Sharon said...

We both used "chagrin" in our most recent blog posts. While reading mine Anthony said, "Hmmm. 'chagrin.' Don't think I've ever thought about the spelling of that."