Saturday, October 27, 2007

Drive through safari

Saturday we went to a drive through safari. It's about 3 hours or so drive from here. Suffice it to say that kind of driving is HARROWING! Cars, trucks, buses, motorcycles, and pedestrians all over the place. People passing on curves and hills. WOW! It gets your adrenaline going. I'll probably never be able to drive the same again...and I was just riding yesterday.
We left about 8:30am and got home after 10pm.

On the side of the road as you approach the park people selling are carrots and bananas in bunches for you to feed the animals. I mean people every ten feet for half a mile standing in the road holding carrots out at you. I am not sure how good it is for the animals but they seem to like them! The bears sisn't seem to like carrots as much believe it or not.

We were literally feet from lions, tigers, hippos, and all kinds of animals were actually close enough to stick their heads in the car and scare Hudson half to death. The kids got to ride an elephant ($1 each) and ride some stuff. They had a number of shows, too, we saw the sea lion one.

All in all it was a great day, even given the fact we were discriminated against (there is a "foreigner" rate posted at the gate). We even got to enjoy their own version of the Rainforest Cafe. Sorry I didn't get a picture of SFC (Safari Fried Chicken).


Todd Belcher said...

A buck a head to ride an elephant? Man, they saw you comin'! Around here in Ky. we can do that for around 50 cents.

piano lady said...

I'm glad Hudson at least rode the elephant! But I'm not sure I would like the orangutan (spelling?) either! Looks like a neat day, though. Sounds like you and Re had a busy day. I had a slow, quiet Sat. - just the kind I like! Tomorrow is much busier!

Aunt Re said...

H man does not look happy at all...I don't think I would like those elephants so close to me either...the Hippo needs mouthwash...looks like you had a fun day. I hope we can skype tomorrow some time...sorry I missed tonight. LLL Re

Richie said...

Hudson looks pretty sour, maybe you should've left him on the elephant. Looks like lots of fun, wish I could've been with you!

roger@trina said...

love the pictures.we need a safari zoo like that here.cost 1.00 to go dinosaur world on a discount day,not worth 25 cents. everyone looks great.

TnT said...

Looks like a great time. What's up with the camera? Is the focus eye dirty... happens when a digital gets used a lot and will cause blurry photos. Still, they were great to see.

Aunt Re said...

Who is sickly all 3 bambinos...???
I hope not. Maybe Alli the Orang gave them something???