Friday, October 19, 2007

Louisville football!

How cool is this? As of 9am Sat morning local time the Louisville v/s U Conn football game is on our ESPN. If only I cared about Louisville football I would be really excited. That is interesting, though. I'll look for people I know in the stands.

Go Cards...I guess. I figure the game must be a day old or something.


Abby said...

Hey!! It's 9:00pm here in Glasgow and we're watching the game live. Did you see that awful call where the guy called for a fair catch and then proceeded to run the ball all the way down the field for a touchdown?!!! Craig #1 can't believe that you're watching the same game. How are the kids liking school? And what's this I hear about lizards. . . . .

Love ya,

Anonymous said...

No, you would have been watching football as it happened in Louisville... well actually Connecticut according to my Rally's cup today. I guess we should all go to the next Louisville game so that you could catch a glimpse of us. But that would be silly because I could care less either. Or you could watch the live news and catch a glimpse of your sister WALKING down the MIDDLE of the GENE SYNDER. Now that would create a great conversation at your house! HA!

piano lady said...

Stacey, were you really walking down the Gene Snyder? What happened? I'm glad some of us are rooting for Louisville - me and John B.! Not really - I couldn't care less, either. But, isn't it amazing how close we are, even though so far away?

TnT said...

Two truths... nobody cares about Louisville Football and, as they say at Disney, "It is a small world after all!"

Anonymous said...

Well.. I actually WAS walking down the Gene Synder, but I don't guess I am so important to ACTUALLY make the news. I had a blow out on the Gene Synder yesterday on my way home while driving in the fast lane. So, I pulled off into the middle and started to walk. My friend picked me up and my tire is fixed so all is good. Lesson learned.... IF YOU FORGET YOUR CELL PHONE AND ARE CLOSE TO HOME.. GO BACK FOR IT!!!!

piano lady said...

I'm glad everything turned out okay!