Sunday, October 21, 2007

Behind the Donut Scenes

Here are some interesting extras about our donuts. First, you can't leave donuts out or they'll be covered in ants in 30 seconds. So we store them in the fridge. And we don't have a microwave (our house doesn't have enough electricity coming in to support one--the stove is bottled gas). So we reheat said donuts on the stove since necessity is the mother of invention. I actually never considered heating donuts at all...especially on the stove.

The next picture is the J. Co box. A major part of the just completed holiday is going around and visiting and asking forgiveness of the people in your life. Hence the "may we forgive each other" sentiment.

Lastly is our "milk" we buy. I say "milk" because its actually on the shelf when we buy it and the expiration date is a year way. This particular "milk" is "chocolate" just keep repeating that to yourself as you drink it. YUMMY ;-)!!


piano lady said...

Does the icing all melt into a puddle? I really appreciate my microwave now!

piano lady said...

Interesting brand name and ad slogan. Do they have berry donuts? I'm not sure I would be a big milk drinker there. But, enjoy!