Sunday, October 14, 2007

What WHOA means

We went on our first real trip out alone Sunday afternoon. We drove to the grocery store and in the crowded parking lot are people who help you park. As I was backing into my spot (watching mirrors and not the man) I would ease back and hear WHOA. So I would stop and look at him to see he was waving me on. Ease back--WHOA! Stop, look, wave. Ease back. WHOA. I still had a way to go and nothing was back there. Go, WHOA! Until we decided that must be the local equivalent of "'Mon Back...'Mon Back."

Anyway, we made it out, bought groceries, used our credit card, drove home and unpacked all relatively unscathed. That was pretty exciting! Small victories are especially appreciated these days:-)


Aunt Re said...

Glad to know you did not hit any locals...what a scandal that would cause...Richie loved his Cheese
Cake and Card...Abby gave it to him today. We are in for the night. And you guys are starting your day...Wow.

piano lady said...

I'm so proud of you! We need some of those people to help some of our drivers in our parking lots! What a wonderful idea! The Taste of Calvary was a success, but Randy did NOT win. We had some really interesting foods. And a really good meeting. 'Night - or rather, good morning.

Anonymous said...

We need some help like that at Calvary ;)