Monday, October 15, 2007

Can you read this for me?

At times I am feeling totally helpless. Today we went and did some shopping. For the most part shopping is contextual and you can figure it out. Stack of Cokes with numbers on a sign? No problem (now figuring liters and changing money that's different). But at other times I am at a complete loss. For the past two days the kids have wanted to ride the quarter rides at the store. You know--stick in a quarter and get on the horse or in the car that kind of thing.

Except I don't know how anymore. The thing actually says in English "One Coin" it just never says WHICH coin. I guess I could just pump different ones in until it works. But there seems to always be a line. Someone waiting for this foreigner to figure out what he is trying to do.

I took Hudson to one today and couldn't figure it out. So we went to a train and a lady selling tickets. I asked, "Are these tickets for the train?" No response. I pointed to the tickets and pointed to the train. Then she held up five fingers. Now it was my turn...what does THAT mean? 500? 5,000? 5 tickets? I just shrugged and we went away.

Then upstairs I found a sign that seemed to say, "Shop at this store and get free parking." Now that is my language. I needed to know if I was entitled to something FREE. So I asked the lady helping us, "Can you read this for me?" There is no place for pride when FREE is on the line. Turns out you can park free IF you get the thing validated when you are in the store. Too late for today but not for next time.

Not knowing was such a sign of weakness back home. Here it is just par for the course. And its not so bad. There's less I don't know everyday.

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