Wednesday, October 24, 2007


We heard that there was an earthquake in "The Ring of Fire" this morning (Thurs) our time. Just wanted to let you know it was a long (long, long) way from us. We didn't know anything about it and couldn't find it on the SE Asia section of the BBC ( but did find something on

You'll likely get news like that before us (unless we feel the shaking) so please don't take no response from us as bad news. We haven't been checking e-mail before we leave for school since we are a bit rushed in the morning. Glad we checked today!Thanks for wondering and asking.

1 comment:

piano lady said...

Glad you are okay. Re keeps me in the know! Hope school is going well. The wind is blowing really hard here right now. Cold, yucky rain all day. You can appreciate the heat where you are when we start having winter weather! Love ya!