Monday, March 9, 2009


Today people here have been commemorating the birth of The Prophet.  Its a national holiday and a big deal for our neighbors.  Craig was invited this morning as the men gathered at a nearby big mosque to march to a bigger mosque.  The road runs right past our house and so he elected to watch it from here.  After seeing all the excitement, he thought maybe he missed something very interesting around the parade staging ground.
The various neighborhoods get together and march with a banner while singing and playing drums.  Some guys elected to wear matching clothes which is cool.  These guys even have matching fake palm trees and some feathers on their hats.
The folks marched on for about 40 minutes.  We didn't take a picture of every group.  These guys are from Tennessee.  Just kidding.
One last look at a group with their shirts untucked.  With these outfits you have a shirt and pants from the same material and then you wear a sarong of sorts over top.  Then you can tuck your shirt in your skirt or leave it out.  These skirts are expensive usually so I think "Tuck It In" and show off that fancy skirt!!   The guys in the yellow have on a different type of traditional headwear.  Not a hat really but like a scarf and the front point sort of folds forward.  They are pretty cool.


Aunt Re said...

We sprang forward this Saturday...yeah..and it's warmer not as warm as where you are but warmer. They look very colorful...almost like Marti Gra' parades...LLL Re

Unknown said...

See, the TN folks are everywhere! LOL!

The Woodalls

piano lady said...

Almost like marching in at VBS, only different! They look quite festive.