Sunday, March 29, 2009

3 Days in 9 Pictures

We started at lunchtime on Friday at Burger King. This was the kids' choice and not the guests'.
This was Friday night at Chili's where it was ... you guessed it ... kind of cold. You thought I was going to say, "Chilly," didn't you? Chili's was mandated by the kids' parents. A trip to the capital goes better with chicken tacos and bottomless chips and salsa.
Mmmm ... chips and salsa.
Saturday in the capital. Not so cold out in the sun that is for sure. There was an endless craft thing we went to that just about did in Craig and the kids.
In another town on our way home from the capital. There were lots of people out since it was a Sunday.
This place was really old, so we took some pictures. Looking up the hill Judy had to be encouraged with the fact that Kim P made it up there while 7.5 months pregnant. BTW, we counted 140 steps to the top.
An awesome way to travel. If you don't mind inducing a heart attack in some guy.
Finally back home. So that was it. We mostly drove around and ate. We did go to the dentist but we don't have any pictures. Judy got her x-ray on a disk. Maybe I can post that!!


Unknown said...

Before you post Judy's x-ray, make sure she signs a HIPPA form! He He!

Mom said...

You should tell Judy about our trip to the temple, and how you tried killed me in the process.
Looks like a great time. Love you all.

piano lady said...

Glad they are seeing lots of scenery!