We celebrated Angie's coming home by going out to see
Race to Witch Mountain. Overall we thought it was pretty good. I especially liked how they changed it all up (they call them "reimaginings" now and not remakes) to give it a global warming message. I think they even credited Al Gore as a co-writer but maybe not.
Anyway, the witch turns out to be the government. I think that has been kind of movie evolution thing. In my short lifetime the villains in movies have usually been (this, of course, doesn't count Ass't Principals who are always villains):
a) Indians (I give this a pre-number-one ranking because most cowboy movies were made before I was born except Silverado and I think by then people had moved off Indians to the nebulous "rustler")
1. Russia (think Red Dawn and Rocky 3)
2. Vietnamese people (all the war movies)
3. China (who doesn't love to hate the Chinese mafia)
4. Arabs (example: the entire TV series "24")
But nowadays the enemy is either "man" the all damaging force that paves paradise and puts up a parking lot OR the other acceptable enemy is "The U.S. Government" excluding Barak but including Joe Biden. Barak is a no-go zone for another six months or so.
Anyway, the baddies in the government plot to do damage to the sweet, innocent kids who actually are good aliens. Maybe its just too much for me since aliens used to be in the enemy category. I have a high negative association with them. But it was cool and as I watched, I can almost forget The Rock was a wrestler. Wrestlers in movies kind of give me a Cyndi Lauper vibe :-)!!
For my complete list of awesome movies that includes classics like Red Dawn (plus other Patrick Swayze greats like Roadhouse and Youngblood), Silverado, Platoon, and everything Keanu Reeves has ever done (except Speed) write your address on the back of a $20 bill and send it to me.