Monday, March 31, 2008

Ahoy Matey!

So we went and saw this huge boat. OK, really it was a remake of an old ship like the ones used by Europeans to come to SE Asia and pillage the area and steal its natural treasures and spices, etc. But this one is just a museum. No real pillaging here.

It was amazing to see the size of it and think of folks going so far in the 1500s. It made me thing of two things:

1)  The USA has very little history. 1776 is pretty new compared to the rest of the world
2) Pity for the people who have never been out of Temple Hill (as awesome as it is)
Some cheeky monkeys.  Very into posing.  It was our first real day of driving and they still had a sense of humor.
Hudson was not fond of how this guy looked.  The hair was especially weird.  Touching it seemed to help.  Him, not me.  It looked to nappy for me to touch.  I am not sure if the statue is supposed to look Portuguese or not.  He seems asleep at the wheel, though.


piano lady said...

That's a pretty big boat! Did you get to go down inside, or just on the deck? Hudson, I'm kinda iffy about that guy, too!

Aunt Re said...

You should have worn your Pirate shirts...Aargh!!!!