Wednesday, April 2, 2008

All That TV Pays Off

As a kid I was always a fan of shows like EMERGENCY and Adam 12! Especially the cool eennn-ooohhh-aaahhh sound that would go off to signal the guys needed to get rolling. That of course was mixed up in my mind with Marcus Welby M.D. and Quincy M.E. and even the very bad E/R with George Clooney (not the one you are thinking of I have never actually watched the famous ER).

Anyway, all those reruns finally paid off today when we came across a real, live, bleeding guy laying in the street.  So now you are wondering ... which part of the "Good Samaritan" did Craig play?  The walk-on-by-kind or the help-him-out-and-pay-for-things-kind?   Well, neither actually.

We came across this crowd and said bleeding guy while the crowd was trying unsuccessfully to get him on his feet (they've never seen the shows so don't blame them for moving an injured victim, also there is no such thing here as liability so if they kill the guy its no skin off their nose for trying).  So they carried him a bit to a car seat which had been removed from the backseat of something and now serves as a bench of sorts.  All the while during the standing and carrying we had been trying to get the attention of folks to say we'd drive him to the hospital.

So finally we got that across and the guy was loaded into the car and I got to say, "eennn-ooohhh-aaahhh" in my mind.  It took all I had not to flash my lights and honk the horn.  When I got there the guy asked, "You want to park?"  "WHAT?!?  No!  I am a BIG time ambulance driver!"  So I parked and got inside and someone rolled me a gurney (seriously) and they followed me out so we could load the guy out of our backseat into the hospital.

Then, in the true spirit of benevolence I got out of there before people started asking me for money. Make no mistake racial profiling is a very real thing here and one look at my skin would put me in the wealthy bracket. 

I can still hear it in my head, "Adam 12, Adam 12, come in Adam 12."


Hadassah said...

Good job!!!!!!! A cup of cold water can come in many different ways. Bless you and full healing for the injured man!

Craig and Becky said...

You are just soooo funny. I love your musings. Like I've said before, you should have been writing books or something !!! You write great stories. I enjoy every one of them. Thanks. Love you all!!!

Aunt Re said...

If you do become a writer...Abby or I will have to check your spelling first for typos...Maybe you should become a Paramedic...
then you could drive the Ambulance.

piano lady said...

In the story, the good Samaritan did leave money for the man's care! It probably wouldn't have been much. You are still a good neighbor!