Sunday, April 13, 2008

Hanging in there

We have the great little lizards all over the place called cicaks.  Normally they are no problem but have caused us to completely scream like schoolgirls a few times.  Most notably in the morning when you put your bread in the toaster and pop it down and a cicak comes flying out as fast as he can!  

This little dude is hanging on a window inside and somehow he died; we didn't do an autopsy. He just hung there until he was dead.  Then Craig had to unstick him and throw him in the trash. He was sticky even in death.  Check out his cool toes!


Aunt Re said...

I would scream big time...really girly girl. Brings new meaning to what would you like on your toast dear...jam or cikas. lll RE

Todd Belcher said...

Keep that little guy! I hear he can save you 15 percent or more on car insurance!

piano lady said...

That's what I was thinking, Todd! Are they sticky all the time, or only when hanging on curtains!