Sunday, March 23, 2008

Continuing Trip News

For those of you interested in small details...on Saturday Angie made it to IKEA (shout out to the Booth's and Abby) but unfortunately Craig and the kids had to miss it. They went to a mall close to where we are staying and hit the local TGIFridays. We were pretty blown away they had free refills (even of Diet Coke) and the kids ate free with an adult meal. Another shocker--McDonald's does free refills here, too. In our city you can't even get a free refill of water normally.

After we left TGIF we found a ToysRUs, which was pretty cool.

For Easter breakfast we had an egg and bread concoction with fish curry. YUMMY! Then after worship and lunch we rode a couple of trains into a nearby city and took the kids to a park.

It had fountains where kids were playing and a ton of playground stuff. As you can see Hudson was not allowed to get his pants wet.

This is a picture with some random strangers who wanted a picture with the girls. Angie was almost on some sort of TV program but the people didn't actually have permission to be taping so while they discussed it with security, we took off.

It was BLAZING hot, though, and so the playing was cut short for some ice cream instead. Hope your Easter is great!!


piano lady said...

Love the pics! It snowed during our second service today. Same celebration, different venue. Love, B

Aunt Re said...

10 degrees hotter and you can feel it....I am so are having parasite free fun...LOL.
Tell the kiddos...the Starburst Jelly Beans are on their way to 2 Grandmas....soon they will make their way there. Love to all Re

Booth Family said...

We are saddened to hear that Craig had to miss out on IKEA. Maybe next time!