Tuesday, March 11, 2008

On bugs and things

Today we asked a couple of people about using flour that had bugs in it. One lady said she would thrown the whole bag away--like many of you from the States recommended. Another said, "Throw it away. No wait! If you could sift it somehow and it's not expired, I'd use it." I told her how we sifted it with our spaghetti strainer and she agreed it was a fine idea. Throw away nothing if you can help it! Now you have raised some interesting questions about eggs that could have been in the flour and our eating them. Which I guess we answer the same way--throw NOTHING away if you can. And deworm your family every six months.


Craig and Becky said...

Lucky for the kids...they get to be "dewormed" every 6 months. When does that process start? Interesting. Where does one buy deworming medication? Hopefully, it's in a pill form. Love you all

Craig and Angie said...

If I remember my urban legends correctly, deworming involves a piece of raw bacon. Whatever happened to stories like that?!?

piano lady said...

I believe you will be protected for your thriftiness! (I think they use tobacco to deworm horses.) Not a good idea.

Craig and Angie said...

Happily, the grossest thing about deworming is that you take a chewable tablet. And you thought we were JOKING!!!