Wednesday, March 12, 2008

And the rain rain rain came down down down

This week we have learned the meaning of "rainy season" as it has rained everyday. Sometimes HARD, sometimes steady for hours. But it has rained. Everyday. Monday night we went out with our classmates to celebrate the end of Unit 4 (we all passed). When we got home we found the roof leaking and tik-tik-tik (that is the sound of drip-drip-drip here) right onto our bed. OUCH!

We pulled back the covers to find only the bedspread was wet. Then we yanked off the mattress, did this Laurel and Hardy thing trying to get it out our bedroom door and plopped it in the living room floor. However, Angie decided the mattress on the floor was a little too close to things that crawl around in the dark, so she chose to sleep on the couch. Later a friend helpfully reminded her that the roaches here can fly.

At any rate, Craig spent the night in the floor and Angie on the couch while the tik-tik-tiking continued on our box springs. Our new theme this week has been THANKFULNESS and so here is what we found to be thankful for as we missed our bed--At least it started leaking BEFORE we went to bed. How bad would it be if it started leaking 15 minutes after we got to sleep?

This action shots somewhat how Craig looked at 4:30 when the prayer call woke him up (you can't hear it in our bedroom).


piano lady said...

Can you get the roof fixed easily? I'm thankful you didn't awaken soaked, too!

Lindsey said...

I finally found your website. I have your little Paige T in my class and she got it for me. It looks like you are doing fine and finding and enjoying all the fun things of living overseas!
Thinking of you,