Monday, December 31, 2007

Without a Microwave

Caleb learns its possible to make popcorn without a microwave. Heck, we even made this without electricity!!


Wilson Family said...

I remember those days as a child myself. I loved it. I even bought the non-microwavable popcorn about a year ago to show my girls how it works!

Richie said...

You all sure are roughin' it! How do you do it?

piano lady said...

Boy, back to the good ole days! Now, if you had just had a fireplace and a basket popper! Way to be resourceful! Happy New Year. Mr. S and I celebrated 18 years yesterday. He's still the best!

Craig's Cuz said...

I remember watching the corn pop through the yellow plastic of the hot air popper. We was livin the modern life then... Ah Orvill, your popcorn did pop twice as much as the other popping corn....

Sandie said...

I remember something called Jiffy Pop!! It had a little aluminum skillet and when you heated it the aluminum in the pan came untwisted and grew full of popcorn!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Funny how little things come back to you.

piano lady said...

Angie, I'm impressed! Did you know how to do this before?