Monday, December 3, 2007

Somebody bring me some water!

These are waterlines running down some steps. I took the photo looking back up the hill. It took us awhile to figure these out. In some places there are 10 or so of these plastic pipes running along together. The thing behind this photo was that I was alone and so I felt like I could take a picture of something odd (just imagine a guy taking pictures of your pipes) without bothering anyone.

Over the weekend I was looking at this river that runs through town and noticing the trash and stuff in it. Then I noticed a pipe pouring water straight into the river. I followed the pipe up with my eyes and saw someone washing ... but washing what? That is odd? How are they ... oh, I see! It was a window in their shower and they were washing their hair. The water was then going down drain, into the pipe, and right into the river.

I wondered then as I looked at all the pipes hanging out how much stuff goes right into the river and how many people swim, bathe, and wash directly in it. Does anyone drink it? I thought of Joe Austin and how much he is needed around here :-)

1 comment:

piano lady said...

We really take so much for granted, don't we? Like in Denver, water has to be pumped up to the elevations, not really cheap like it is here, at sea level. I never thought about it before!