Saturday, July 9, 2011

What a Helper!

I have been blown away this week by what a great wife I have. She has taken 10 days of helping me out of bed and making my coffee, fetching me everything I need and never complaining and she has added that to her normal duties at home without missing a beat. Not only that but she has taken on her nemesis--driving here--and has become just super at it.

So send her a few comments to tell her what a great woman she is. I try to let her know but just can't tell her enough. There is no one else I'd rather have (literally) dragging me out of bed each morning!!!

Also, tell her it's OK for me to start driving again...


Aunt Re said...

Yes Angie is the best help mate and friend.

piano lady said...

She is absolutely the best you could hope for! Way to go, Angie! Hope Craig is beginning to feel better.

Anthony and Sharon said...

Yay for Awesome An-Angie!!! She drives just great but you still don't need to.

Mom said...

She is the best. I couldn't ask for a better wife to my son, mother for my grandchildren...and she is the BEST daughter in law in the world.

E.G.Thompson said...

You are all blessed greatly! LOVE YOU!