Friday, August 20, 2010


Since most of our neighbors are fasting, we decided to take a break for some vacation days in the mountains! It’s a great time for non-fasters to travel since school is in session for everyone else and even on the weekends, most people don’t like to travel. Believe it or not they prefer to save vacation days for time they eat!

We’ve been making some family rituals while we come to this chalet and since the other times we’ve come its been Thanksgiving time, the traditions involve TURKEY! We scrounged around and found a decent-sized bird but couldn’t get our hands on any stuffing.

The massaging and cooking got underway early and by the time we were ready to dig in, everybody was pretty hungry!! Not too shabby, though, for a pre-Thanksgiving: turkey, cranberries, potatoes, and green beans. Angie made some awesome homemade bread and it rivaled most Thanksgiving Days, except for no company with us.

We’re looking forward to doing it again in three months!


Anthony and Sharon said...

Turkey? I distinctly remember another white meat that makes its appearance there. And I can think of at least 4 things that would make it better:) One of them is about the size of a large turkey.:)

Aunt Re said...

Can't wait to spend Thanksgiving w/you all too...I might even cook. Did you get my email today? I did my task I was assigned.