Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Favorite Bathroom Sign Of All Time

Everyone is used to having two bathrooms--one for boys and another for girls. Two restrooms just seems right. Differing washrooms only makes sense. But this restaurant took the two WC concept to a whole new level.

Its not based on gender--its based on FUNCTION! Before you go in, first ask yourself, "What exactly do I need to accomplish in there?" Then choose accordingly!

Actually the "Pee" room is really a shower. Meaning you have a tiled room with a water pipe sticking high out of the wall, a hose bib-type thing down low, a bucket of water and its accompanying scoop, and the all-important drain in the floor.

Whereas normally you would shower (or dump water from the bucket over your head with the scoop) and it would flow down the drain, in this room you just do your business right onto the floor and then throw a scoop of water on it as a chaser. Classy, right? And clean. This is why Abby tells people to bring closed-toe shoes!!


Anthony and Sharon said...

Wow. So I guess there's no mystery when a person chooses their door.
The thing about closed toe shoes though is that if something gets on them it just soaks in and you can't get it off. I've found as long as I roll up my pants before entering a wet bath, things are a-ok.

Aunt Re said...

Shoes & socks are going to be a shock for this kiddo....