Tuesday, August 24, 2010


The mountains where we vacationed are famous for strawberries. In the way that Gatlinburg* is famous for me hating it, famous like that. Really famous and you should buy and eat lots of strawberries whilst there. You should also buy strawberry shirts and umbrellas and pillows for the back window of your car.
So we did our share of picking strawberries--even at $5.81 a pound. I suppose you are paying for the privilege of picking your own. I mean $5.81 for the place that advertises SELF-PLUCKING that is an entirely different matter. THEY PLUCK THEMSELVES!
We hid in the strawberries.
Played with the strawberries.
Looked beautiful with the strawberries. We did it all.
Then we did it right before we left since our neighbor said, "Bring me some strawberries." And so we did. But if he asks for a Hard Rock Gatlinburg shirt, well, he can just forget it.
*Really I just hate Pigeon Forge, I just say I hate Gatlinburg since everyone says they're going to Gatlinburg, then they spend all their time in the traffic and malls of Pigeon Forge. Plus you have to drive through Pigeon Forge just to get to Gatlinburg, unless you go all the way around and enter through North Carolina. P-Yuke.

No offense to Dolly. Or to Ricky Garmon.


Unknown said...

Actually, there is a new road that takes you around the Pigeon Forge mess, so you don't have as much traffic that way. You'll have to come see us to find out!


Anthony and Sharon said...

as Paul S. famously said..."When they start making self-plucking eyebrows, THAT'S when I'll stop."