Friday, August 27, 2010

Tea Time

One benefit of living in a place that used to be a colony (and didn't just reject all things British like Americans did) is having tea time in the afternoon. Sure we Americans have snacks in the afternoon but it doesn't have the same class as when you call it Tea Time.
Caleb has been working on his extended pinky finger. Classy.
This day we did it up right with not just tea but scones as well.
Other days we did other stuff that always included strawberries--even cheesecake.
Chocolate-dipped ones.
Of course, the classic--covered in whipped cream.
Even a frenchy version--the crepe. I could go for some hot tea* even now.


jdk0103 said...

Oh how we miss the highlands!!! It all looks so delicious :)

Aunt Re said...

As Homer would say..."Ummmm Strawberries!" LLL Re