Thursday, August 26, 2010

This dude is a rascal

Buddhist monks have this thing about going around begging. I suppose its something they have to do but it seems to me to be in the televangelist vein. Like a shakedown. And I never understand why they come into Muslim restaurants with their bowl asking for stuff. The people just wave them off. But I always hear great stories about monks being open to real spiritual truth, so I try to talk to them ... and then wave them off when they give me the "I-don't-speak-no-English-just-give-me-some-money" shoulder shrug.
Anyway, me and a friend (a Christian) were eating in this Muslim restaurant when this dude comes through with his bowl. I try to talk to him in one language and then another. No dice. Finally we decide he's from Thailand and I tell him to have something to eat.

He goes to the hot bar and is getting his food when EVERY employee makes me verify with a hand wave that I am buying his lunch, which I do. I'm covering the monk. So he gets his food and I call him over and he humbly says no and I call him again and he says no again and I call him again and he says no and walks away. How about that!?? Not even a thanks.

So, I jump up and drag him to my car and take his picture. This is the third one I took and I think he is about to go all Xiaolin Showdown on me, throwing down a karate chop. I'm sure at this point he thought he was getting the raw end of the deal, I bought him $1.60 worth of lunch and take up $3 worth of his time.

Finally I just laid my hand on his shoulder and prayed for him while he spoke out loud the whole time that he didn't speak English. I guess that I why Jason B gets so mad at them. Shake down and no thanks, just some little Buddha bookmark. At least I finally got a picture. When I see monks walking down the street talking on their cell phone or whipping out their wallet at the ATM, I'm never brave enough to snap a photo.

Well, as John Lennon said, "Instant Karmas gonna get ya. Gonna knock you right in the head." I'd watch out if you see this rascally monk flipping a sign outside Wal-Mart. He won't say thanks.

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