Monday, May 31, 2010

What a Cool Nickname!

When we got to the beach on Saturday for our Family Trip with some neighbors, the first thing the kids found was this awesome sliding board with a really cool nickname! In order to make the slide more exciting they spray painted on its side: BROKEN DANGER

It was like all those signs when you go to ride The Beast or Tower of Terror some such roller coaster. They all have signs that say: Go Back! Do Not Enter! eware!! and the B is all bitten off or whatever.

Well, we thought it was a cool advertising slogan or something but ... how can you know? Lesser parents might have said, "Oh, honey it clearly says, 'Danger Broken' so stay away." But not us! We know the only way to know if its broken is to try it for ourselves!
We elected Hudson for the first attempt. When it turned out well, we decided the only way to know for sure was if we pushed it a bit. So we recruited a few more kids and threw them all on it at once.
Turns out the thing is neither BROKEN nor DANGEROUS. Its just a slide and its all for the best anyway. What if someone got hurt? You can hardly sue if they painted a warning right on the side, you know!?!


Aunt Re said...

Love your new cut Angie...we have to go to Orlando, Carla, Ashley and I are having a chic Day at Epcot...we plan on eating our way around the World ShowCase. We want our guys to have all the fun at the convention. Wish you were going too. LLL Re

Anthony and Sharon said...

Love this.
Also. Can we get a post of nothing but pictures of Craig and Angie in their spiffy new florescent polos?
Seriously. You KNOW you have arrived and are part of the group when they hand you that brightly colored (with black accent and embroidered logo) piece of belonging.