Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Speaking of fruit

You know your fruit is pretty ripe when you open it up and find baby trees! For those of you who have never cut up your own papaya this is what it looks like inside. Maybe most closely resembles a cantaloupe in its consistency and how it gets cleaned.
But never did I open a cantaloupe to find budding seeds. I thought of just taking the papaya half and planting the whole thing, seeds and all, to start my own orchard but decided it was too hot!
This is nothing compared to friends who say they have cracked an egg only to have a baby bird fall out. That is ripe!

1 comment:

Anthony and Sharon said...

Not a fan of papaya, though I would eat it before durian.
And if your friends are in the Philippines and the baby chick falls out, it's on purpose. If these friends were somewhere else (other than maybe China, bc we all know any gross food on earth can be found there) then yes, they should be grossed out!