Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Still American

Today I went to do some business at a local shopping center and was reminded how American I still am.  What would cause such a reminder?  10:30am, that is what!

I got to the place early (9:45am) so I knew I needed to wait.  I got myself a lime tea and worked for a while on my computer waiting until well after 10 since people who open at "10" often don't show up til a quarter after or so.  Well at 10:30, I finally was reminded that at this particular shopping center most people don't even show up to start the opening process until at least 11am.

Finally I gave up and just left figuring I'd come back later.  When I did--at 12:30--there were so many people there I couldn't find anywhere to park.  Part of this because its Chinese New Year time.  That means the public schools are all closed for a week and half (or more) of the businesses are closed all week, too.   Some just says stuff like "We will be closed 25 January until 27 January for Chinese New Year" then they just stay closed on the 28th for good measure.

How do I know I'm still American?  Because stuff like that still bothers me :-)!!


piano lady said...

That'll teach you patience, won't it?

blueerat said...

I found your blog through someone elses. I love reading what your family is experiencing. It is very uplifting to see your family doing such good work.
Thank you,
Leann Cherry