Monday, January 12, 2009

Off to School

Hudson started preschool today.  Around here something like that will get you the "Special Davis of the Day" plate.  Which was filled with dry cereal because that is how Hudson rolls.
He looks great in his new uniform. You can see why I thought he had suspenders (its actually a "vest" that is sewn as part of the shirt).  This is the traditional 'at the front door with your backpack on the first day of school' picture.  A staple at our house.

The actual drop-off was slightly traumatic and included a bit of crying.  Once inside the lady told him that if he stopped crying and got down she would call his mother, which he later found out was a big, fat lie but he did stop crying.  He even made some new friends.
We had fun playing the which-one-is-your-kid game at pick-up time since he is the only white kid there.  Its something we invented while watching Bethany at ballet.   After school he got to pick lunch and we ended up at Pizza Hut.  That means since coming back Saturday we have been to McDonalds, KFC, and Pizza Hut ... the trifecta (or the hat trick if you are from up north).  


piano lady said...

Hudson, you look wonderful. Crying is expected - didn't anyone else cry? Fess up, now.

Richie said...

He's growing up! I hope he makes lasting friendships at school.

Aunt Re said...

Hudson...I am glad you made some new friends at school. You are my favorite preschooler....LLL RE