Monday, January 26, 2009

Hey, where da meat is at?

Tonight for supper we had these frozen "chicken" nuggets and fries for supper.  I say "chicken" because that is what the bag called them but a goodly percentage of them, once opened with our sharp teeth, looked like this.  Empty as Scrooge's heart.

Its bad enough that I refuse to take my wife out to eat on a national holiday but to then be faced with hollow nuggets is a pretty shabby deal!!

I am not sure if these things never had any meat in them or if they have laid about for awhile and some ants got inside and carried away the chicken bit by bit over the course of time.

If you are curious about the taste I can only say it was Taste Number Two.  You see I have two tastes: coffee and hot sauce.  These worthless things were covered in so much sambal, I couldn't tell you if mine had any meat in them or not.


Richie said...

You've been hornswaggled!

piano lady said...

What a disappointment!