Sunday, December 21, 2008


Some update on what's been happening in KY:

--Bethany was baptized this morning (pictures/video ASAP)
--Its FREEZING!! Tonight its supposed to be 4 degrees F (-15C) with a lot of wind...
--Our new Macbook arrived and has been downloading updates all day...
--When asked yesterday if he liked the Wildcats Hudson said, "I don't like High School Musical at all."
--Yesterday Craig spent multiple hours in Barnes and Noble
--Angie has been to Wal-Mart 16 times
--We have eaten pork every day
--We've been here six days and Angie STILL hasn't made it to Cracker Barrel
--Santa Claus is coming to town

Guess that is all for now. We'll get some actual pictures up whenever the camera, USB cable, and computer all end up in the same room at the same time :-).


Unknown said...

Way to go Hudson! Spoken like a true Volunteer!

The Woodalls

Sandie said...

Yeah I was pretty excited about the fact Hudson didn't know who the wildcats were!!! Ha! Ha! Ha!