Wednesday, December 24, 2008


One thing we are not prepared for as parents is having the attitude that comes with little girls.  Angie is a bit better equipped to deal with dramatic stuff (although not totally prepared).  Poor ole Dad just says stuff like, "Why are you crying? ... Well, are you ugly? ... Well then he's stupid so just ignore him."  Which it seems is not all that helpful.

But if you find a cool afro wig how can you not bring on some 'tude?


Unknown said...

Love the 'fro Bethany! Craig, it only gets worse. Wait until she's almost 12 going on 20! That gets really exciting! Merry Christmas!

The Woodalls

piano lady said...

My, oh my! And just where would she get that attitude, Dad?

Unknown said...

HAHA! The afro wig reminds me of the Brady Bunch episode where Jan bought an afro wig in order to try and find her true identity. Don't worry too much about the attitude. Yes, it will get worse for a few years, but she will grow out of it and grow up to be a mature, sweet young lady. Enjoy the good days and on bad days, remind yourself that too soon, she will be grown. Besides, what fun would a "perfect" child be? BORING!!!