Friday, December 19, 2008

Has Anyone Seen My Sun?

Every parent knows the panic of losing a kid in a crowded shopping center. This Christmas season we have lost something almost as important in the midst of all our shopping: a big, blazing, hot star in the sky.

One thing about living in SE Asia is that we have great weather ... if you like 90 degrees and lots of humidity. Sure lots of days we talk about how normal, everyday things can induce an all-over body sweat. Things like washing dishes or hanging out clothes. You can't even imagine what vacuuming does to you!! But we have the sun almost every day. Lots of blazing-hot-beating-down-sun.

Since arriving in KY, we have yet to see our big friend in the sky. It has been cloudy and cold everyday. Well, except today when its warming up but raining. I remember one time a few years ago when we went a month in Glasgow with no sunshine at all. So when it finally appeared again, I skipped out of work and got Angie for a drive. It was just good to stand there and let it hit your face!

We are getting a good taste of why in the winter of '06 we kept telling ourselves, "This is our last winter for a few years." Wow! Its hard to remember people live like this all winter long. I think of friends we know in Russia and other places and think how glad we are we're not them :-).

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I bet Angie is freezing to death! Did she bring her thermals? If not, I bet she has some now! LOL and hope to see you soon!

The Woodalls