Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Yummy ... Slimy Things!

A friend and I got to hang out with some folks today having a Coke and some conversation.  When all the sudden a food offer came.  My reply?  The standard, "I ain't skeered!"  So out came the snails ... or something.  Here is a look into the slimy abiss.  Mmmm, tasty.
Turns out the trick is to make this kissing sounds whilst sucking the little critter out of his shell.  But of course not sucking so much so as to lodge the little dude in your tracheae or anything.  Careful now.  We didn't come all this way to die sucking on a shell.  I know it looks like we're doing shooters but we're not.  We sucking on mollusks ... or something.
Here is said friend who only ate one because I shamed him with my bravado.  It turns out its harder than it looks and tastes worse than you think.  Also, its very funny if you are not the white guy.  I guess so anyway since everyone was laughing.


piano lady said...

You are so brave, my friend! I hope they were boiled, or something. I once mistakenly ordered an oyster cocktail (they were out of shrimp). Big mistake - slimy! Yuchhh!

Richie said...

Wow, Craig, you'll eat snail, but you don't like pasta because it's too slimy? Strange...I guess it's good that you don't live in Italy.