Monday, November 10, 2008

Wait, is that a Submarine?

Recently I was showing the family a "short-cut" (which actually went nowhere) when we saw this thing.

Now this particular road kept winding and getting smaller and muddier and we kept getting closer to the water; then we saw this big daddy.

It looks like a submarine and was actually pretty large (notice the house behind).  Now its not on the par with the one Sean Connery drove in that Tom Clancy movie but it was bigger than our car.

Which, of course, begs the question: What in the world is it doing here?  Some short-cuts are like that ... you don't get what you were looking for but you find something you never imagined.


Aunt Re said...

I spelled paparazi wrong earlier sorry. We all live in a "red" submarine, "red"'s not yellow. Only you guys would see something like this on a shortcut. LLL RE

piano lady said...


Mom said...

Always taking the road less traveled. Yeah for you all.

The Sojourner said...

this is so typical of living in random countries overseas! in ethiopia, ben and justin were outside of addis and found a random tank just sitting on the side of the road. here we just recently found a boat sitting in the middle of the city on a sandy lot! when i say a boat, i mean a wooden, broken-into-pieces dhow boat, not one you would attach skis to! (that would actually make more sense since we live on the ocean!) we'll have to post a picture!