Thursday, November 27, 2008

Stealing? Not ME!

I am against the very idea of sitting outside a place and using their free wi-fi without buying anything.

I am against the idea, that is, but very willing to do it in practice.  Happy Thanksgiving!!


Sandie said...

I'm thinking your picture looks a bit like the ones they show and the statement that usually goes with it is:

Have you seen this man?

Happy Thanksgiving to you all too.

Love ya, can't wait to see you.

piano lady said...

I find it hard to believe you are sitting outside a Starbucks and not buying anything. But if you say so....

Mom said...

I too am surprised that you aren't buying in Starbucks. Is it too hot for coffee? Are you sick?? Don't they sell Godiva chocolate? Are we getting the entire story?
Love you all and counting the days!!!