Monday, July 7, 2008

Who Doesn't Love Shopping?

Our plan had been to get out and do a little shopping Sunday afternoon but the combination of people saying, "Are you really going to IKEA on a Sunday?" and some sickness in the family pushed the trip to Monday.

But we did make it today.  Its just as big as the one we remembered from Seattle but seemed to have more "we have LOW prices" signs than I remembered.  That part gave it more of a fancy Wal-Mart feel instead of the "We are a pretentious furniture company from Europe" that I got in Seattle.

The biggest difference was now we need stuff.  We need everything except a kitchen sink (literally).  So we stole ideas and wrote down prices and generally had a "fun" time there.

I (Craig) did draw the line at having Swedish meatballs from the food court for lunch.  Which turned out to be a bad idea since then we ended up at TGIFridays and spent $45.  Youch!

Still, though, an iffy stomach and food court meatballs don't seem much of a combination.


Todd Belcher said...

Our new system:

Days that Caleb pukes = I take out our trash.

Days that Bethany pukes = Maria takes out the trash.

Days that Hudson pukes = Paco takes out the trash.

Days in which all three puke (the trifecta) = Nobody has to take out the trash.

piano lady said...

I knew Todd was weird - but, really!