Friday, July 11, 2008

Shopping Update

Based on your comments and emails we thought you might like an update on how the shopping is going.  We left our arrival city and drove with all our stuff on Tuesday, arriving about 4:30.  That day was pretty special since someone volunteered to help us and drove a van full of cases, saving us about 6 or 7 trips.

On Wednesday we went to a big furniture/appliance store and started pricing things.  Then we went to BK for the mashed potato extravaganza.  The afternoon had some more shopping and finally we took the kids to the hotel pool while Craig continued on his own.

It goes like this, you enter into a small shop and then try to get prices for all the stuff we need from there.  Then go somewhere else and do it again.  Most of these shop owners are much more shrewd sellers than we are buyers and so we try to find the best deal.  After about 10 shops we made an Excel spreadsheet of appliances, stores, prices, etc. But we didn't buy anything. 

Thursday morning we went to have the telephone and internet service started.  Angie was just a bit frustrated with the going and regoing and nothing being purchased.  So we went to KFC and ate and used their wi-fi and made our plan of attack.  Then we went back to one store and spent $2200 for a fridge, washer, 3 burner stove top (the oven is separate like the Brady Bunch), two bedroom air conditioners, and two water heaters.  The water heaters here are installed in the showers and are in-line heaters that are instant and really nice (except when you need to wash your hands.. no hot water there).

Then we went to a mall to look for bedding, curtains, and the like.  Nothing there, so we tried another place.  There we bought some home stuff: shower curtain and rod, dishes, and some odds and ends.  Plus, Angie and Caleb put on the sales pressure for a 32" LCD TV that was on clearance.  Tempting, but Craig held out... no TV purchase yet.

At the next stop we bought a popcorn maker (aka microwave), some curtains, small ladder for fixing curtains, crock pot, fan, and a few other things.  Finally we picked up a Dominos pizza and went back to the hotel.  Then we made good on our promise to let them stay up till 10:30pm and play Wii since we shopped so hard that day.  It was a long one but we got a lot done.

We started Friday doing serious looking at living room and dining room stuff.  One place was pretty promising with an entire set: couch, coffee table, TV table, and dining room set.  That is the leader right now!  But we have plans for at least two more of those places plus a mattress stop as well.

So, how is it going?  Exhausting but I guess the kids are doing about as well as can be expected.  But we just finished a nice lunch with a strong coffee and cheesecake ... so maybe its the sugar and caffeine talking!!

1 comment:

Aunt Re said...

Sounds very busy and very time comsuming...But you are the people
for the task. I am holding out for the TV...sounds great.