Monday, July 7, 2008

Imagine Meetin' You Here

Many of you will recognize Josh D (who like Prince and/or Madonna is so famous only one name is necessary ... its just that in his case the "one name" is his WHOLE name run together).  

An update on him: he will go to McDonalds even if he has already eaten, will go to Starbucks just for the A/C (its hot here), and has a better MacBook than ours.

Behind us you can see some of our still unpacked luggage.  We are hoping to put him to work for us ... I mean what are friends for if not for helping people move, right.  Especially if you have a truck.


Richie said...

Wow, it's great to see that he was able to meet up with you guys so quickly! make him work! I gotta admit, I'm a little jealous that he is there and I'm not. Oh's all part of a plan. Tell him to email me, I don't have his address and I'd love to keep up with what he's doing there as much as possible.

piano lady said...

So he really is there! I heard about it tonite at our VBS meeting. Happy unpacking!

Aunt Re said...

Don't covet Josh D's Mac. Dr G is on vacation and his nurse says he doesn't reply to emails...I said I would call back when he's back from vacation. Getting ready for VBS had planning meeting. Keep us updated. Todd should know this week about the Outdoor show...we hope we hope we hope.