Monday, July 12, 2010

Weddings Even Men Love!

Weddings here tend to be OK for guys for a number of reasons. One of which is that very little is expected of men at these functions unless you are: 1) parents of the happy couple, 2) best man (who has it bad), or 3) the groom.

Men can wear whatever they like, whereas the ladies dress up! Just check for how many guys are in jeans in the backgrounds of these photos. Really for the normal guy the only thing you have to do is sit on this couch when you first arrive. When you've checked it off, you're free! This is us* with the bride's parents.
Another positive guy note: Cowboy in attendance!
Every weeding should have one of these. This is some serious chicken roasting. Weddings Men Like need to have LOTS of good food, not finger sandwiches and tiny baby pieces of cake. No man has ever been asked to serve cake at a wedding or shower since we do not know how to cut teeny-tiny pieces of cake using dental floss from someone's purse.
Another great thing: the happy couple are treated as Royalty for the Day. This is why its bad to be the Best Man. The Best Man has to hold an umbrella for the King, while the King is sitting his best friend gets to stand there and fan him, if the King sweats (yeah, "if") the Best Man gets to wipe away the sweat. Lame for the Best Man. On a positive note there is lots of drumming to announce the groom's arrival. At least the man is on the bill here when it comes to the wedding.

Not sure how many weddings I saw in KY where the girl starts crying and yelling about someone ruining "My wedding!" Typically her man is not upset at whatever travesty has taken place (like the huge arch is cream-colored and not white). She never even bothers to act like she's including him, "Oh, you've ruined our wedding by not taking down every poster in the church's Sunday School rooms! How can the bridesmaids get dressed?!?"

So, uh, yeah. Drums. They are cool. Plus the Man is expected to wear a big knife in his belt!
Martial arts! Its not like having Jackie Chan on hand but you should get some local martial arts people to be "bodyguards for the King" and do a nice display. They should do it in the hot sun while the King sits in the shade and someone fans him and wipes his sweat. Where is The Bride during all this drumming and karate stuff? Dunno! That is why this is a Wedding Men Like, the Bride is not stealing the spotlight all the time.
Did I mention food? Everyone asks if you've eaten yet. Even if they saw you eat before, they still ask if you've eaten. If you say you've eaten they reply, "Eat some more." What man can't love that?
Well, one more not-for-the-guys thing: dancing. At least its traditional dancing and not slow dancing to Air Supply in a gym. Not sure why the guys here wear make-up for traditional dancing but they do. If you meet the grown-up version of traditional dancers you will often be more surprised that they are Men than you will be surprised that they are wearing make-up.

So, all in all a Man's kind of wedding. What can make it better???
Loading up in the car and doing it all over again!!
*Notice Caleb couldn't be bothered to attend. He was busy with teenager duty on our couch.

1 comment:

Anthony and Sharon said...

This will be a girl post so you can see what a female would gather from this post:
I've been to several peach weddings and I just don't like them. It makes the make-up the groom has to wear look even worse. What I am liking is that dark purple color. Nice. That bride (or groom's mother?) knew what she was doing picking purple. Dark purple. Very royal. Not in the Asian sense (bc we all know that's yellow), but in the more biblical times sense.