Friday, July 30, 2010

Hudson's 7th birthday rundown

The day started earlier than normal with some cinnamon toast on the 'Special Davis of the Day' plate.
H chose TGIFriday for lunch, they have this cool KY sign!
The guys came out and sang Happy Birthday (H is not a fan) but he tolerated it for some free cake!
It even had a candle and for some reason came with 4 forks. Seemed a lot for one kid.
So there was some battling for position at the trough.
TGIF was also giving away Ke$ha cd's if you celebrated your birthday at the restaurant and so after asking, H was given a copy ... which he does not love but some other family members enjoy. Its given us a good chance to explain that Mick Jagger is not attractive and she probably only doesn't kick people like that to the curb out of respect for the aged...
In the afternoon we met up with some friends for some arcade time. I was totally fooled by these two and after boxing them in an exacta, they didn't even finish in the money (you may need to be from Louisville to understand that statement).
After the play place and arcade we added some ice cream for good measure.
Hudson has had a few dollars sent his way and his first purchase was the Black Knight set. Pretty awesome.
The other gifts were at the end of a scavenger hunt ... in the washing machine.
The cake actually had 20 candles. The ones spelling HAPPY BIRTHDAY burnt themselves out, though, while we were getting them all lit.
And so, that was the day. Whew.


Aunt Re said...

Feliz Cumpleanos H Man! At least you did not get the whipped cream in your face! LLL Re
Uncle Todd & I pr*y you have many happy birthdays!

Anthony and Sharon said...

Selamat Hari Jadi!! How old is he now? 6? That looked like one fun birthday...lasting the whole day!