Thursday, July 29, 2010

THE Fashion Show

What a long, arduous day at the mall. Grueling! And that was just for the Dads--not the people actually doing something. Here is a peek at some of the highlights.

We got to the mall and had some Subway, then headed off for rehearsal. This is when we were told parents would not have a chair during the event since they were for the VVIPs and not people like us ... just played old Ps, or perhaps IPs but certainly not even VIPs much less VVIPs.
After rehearsal we caught a movie (The Sorcerer's Apprentice, our review: It was fine, about what you'd expect; but at some point Nicolas Cage started playing the same character in every movie and the young guy is really annoying). Bethany and Hudson got in some bumper car rides and we even had a Frosty! We had 4 hours to kill ... so, you know.
BACKSTAGE! I've not been so privileged since we went backstage to see Michael Bolton when Celine Dion opened for him at Starwood. The costume changes were done with amazing speed during the show. B wore 3 outfits in all.
While we waited a LONG time for the show to start they brought around fruit drinks, lots of shrimp hors d'oeuvre (had to look that spelling up), and other snacks. Small consolation for us not getting an actual chair.
Being a family member of a show participant is basically no fun at all.
The big reveal! B did great and was full of modely attitude and facial expressions.
So there you have it. She had another invitation for Sunday, which we had to turn down and she is still not too happy about that!
Everyone else is pretty exhausted from the ordeal but surely a night that B won't soon forget!!


Craig and Angie said...

Yes, i am mad that i dont get to go to the other fashion show.. and i will NEVER forget that night.... and yes i changed my clothes in 3 seconds flat!


Aunt Re said...

Bethany I am so proud of you, you rock and so does you Makeup artist...and other family support staff...they rock too!

Anthony and Sharon said...

Gorgeous Bethany! I know you had a blast! There will plenty of shows in the future!

Mom said...

You did a great job. Love the attitude. Miss you all.