Tuesday, March 2, 2010

March is in like a Blowtorch

Its been warmer here the last week or so which an informed neighbor attributed to "El Nino" and I thought it was pretty cool for someone to throw down some Spanish here. I just answered, "Bueno."

Anyway, we did a short experiment that was motivated by washing dishes after supper. As you can see its nearly 7pm and so the sun is about to go down. The temperature is finally falling. By this time its down to a chilly 88.9 outside. Its a stuffy 87.1 in our living room which needs to be closed up in order to keep the mosquitos out as much as possible.
This is just a few minutes later in our bedroom, notice the temperature at the bottom. In there its even warmer at 87.4. This temperature does make it easy to consume all the water necessary for good health ... some days I can get in 2 liters before lunch!
This is what started it all, though. Our tap water coming from the street to our pipe clocks in at a cool 80ish degrees. Its like having hot water, even though we don't have hot water pipes at our sinks. This is a meat thermometer we brought from the USA so its 80F and not 80C (which is 176F).
But one thing that is great about the tropics: watermelon. You can buy watermelon all year long. At least if its got to feel like summer, you can eat like its summer, too!!

Got a meat thermometer at home? Let us know what your tap water temp is!!


Aunt Re said...

I miss watermelon & the lovely lady holding the watermelon. Yumoh! and the Kitchen and the house and the people. LLL Re

Anthony and Sharon said...

No meat thermometer but our water is stupidly cold, seeing as how it is now March and we're still having freezing temperatures... in FLORIDA! That's it, I'm moving to SEAsia.

piano lady said...

That watermelon looks yummy! And my tap water is VERY cold!