Saturday, November 14, 2009

Package Week!

We got a couple of cool packages this week. Its always cool to get boxes delivered no matter where you live!
All the anticipation! I think an unopened gift is the best! Who knows, maybe when you open it the package will have something cheesy inside. But while its closed it could be anything ... EXCITING!
Hudson got the long awaited jelly that one certain Brian Pick "didn't" forget to send way back in June. He had been sitting on one last bit of jelly, saving it. Now he's eating jelly every day again.
Turns out Ann is one of 500 people in the world who like Catalina dressing. That nasty, sticky, sweet stuff is not available here. Thankfully.
The second package was from Amanda, our former teacher.
Packages make good lunch guests!
A book is always well-received by new-teen Caleb.
Bethany, too, is a book lover.
Thanks to all our Calvary friends and Amanda for remembering us!!

**Special note to Pick -- just kidding!!


piano lady said...

Enjoy all those goodies! We're loving large in Glasgow today - good turnout, great weather! Missing you!

Aunt Re said...

Packages are great...more coming...I can't wait for my package from Uncle Sam to arrive...then I can travel some day! LLL Re

Mom said...

I took some jelly, but having had a small problem with the food, I consumed most of it with peanut butter while I was there. Sorry Hudson I'll make it up to you.