Monday, November 30, 2009

Hanging of the Green

We were finally able to locate a suitable specimen of a Christmas tree and started our decorating throwdown (like many of you) over the weekend. The tree in question is 8 feet tall and set us back a cool $78 on sale, everyone was pretty happy all around. Except, of course, Hudson the smile-monster.
Like most set-ups it started well and like most it ended in the fact that some strands of lights didn't work and we didn't have enough overall either. "Running to Wal-Mart" is not exactly the same here but the next day we got it all taken care of and the job was finished.
Angie is none the worse for wear. Isn't she just the cutest thing???
Each kid has some special ornaments of their own they get to hang.
Finally they are getting big enough that we have ornaments above the bottom few branches but now also big enough to say, "Hey, why did you move mine?"
We have a few snowflakes that get thrown into the tree. Not sure exactly how it got started but its really important. The snowflake ornaments are carefully divided, then applied as you see Caleb doing. Hudson is playing defense.
The crowning glory. And our big new star. I never needed a ladder before to do the star.
All done and ready to blaze! Its the first Christmas tree EVER in our neighborhood ... here's hoping its the first of many!!


Craig and Becky said...

Your tree is beautiful. We haven't put ours up just yet. And yes, Angie is just the cutest thing!!!! Love & miss you all!! Great pics.

piano lady said...

She IS the cutest thing! Love that picture! The tree is great - I am so impressed. Have a good time with our friends coming soon.

Richie said...

The tree looks great! I remember watching the kids throw the snowflakes the year I lived with you. I always loved that part!

Aunt Re said...

I love it, decorations look great! Guess who has her passport...Yes Aunt Re! Happy Bday Angie! I realize it's early but I had to share my joy w/you! I've been excited all day. LLL Re

Mom said...

The tree looks beautiful and Angie is the coolest and sweetest ever.
Looks like everyone worked at the tree decorating...And...does Bethany's hair look shorter or do I need to put on my glasss???

Sandie said...

The tree is wonderful!!! I got mine up too!! First time in years it's been up before Decemeber!!!! Love seeing your smiling faces!!!! I'll send you some pictures of ours!!

Craig and Angie said...

Yes, Bethany's hair is shorter. She had it cut a couple of weeks ago!